Club History

The Marlborough Amateur Radio Club has been around for a while. The inaugural meeting was held 16th of November 1932. So we are now over 90 years old!
A consolidation of meeting minutes from 1932 to 1997 has been collected and presented here: ZL2KS Club History 1932-1997

A further collection of minutes from 1995 to 2002: ZL2KS Club Meetings Consolidation 1995-2002

An article for a 1948 Break-in on the history of the club: Branch History 1948

Club history as written up for the 50th anniversary in 1982 by Mick Spiers ZL2KQ: ZL2KS Club History 50 Years 1982

And some early history from reminiscences of Wally Dance, ZL2LK: Branch 22 History ZL2LK

In 1982 the club filled a few pages in Break-In: Break-In 1982

Emergency corps written late 1950’s: Emergency Corps Late 1950s

Channel-D repeater late 1970’s: Channel D Repeater Late 1970s

Marlborough Branch AREC 1932-1982: Marlborough Branch AREC 1932-1982


The club in 1933:


AREC Certificate ZL2LK: