
Our club has a number of repeaters (VHF/UHF), a digipeater and a beacon.
A summary is given below, much more information on this can be found in a presentation made by Grant, ZL2BK: Marlborough Repeaters.

NZART has maps showing all repeaters across New Zealand: .

Our local repeaters are:

2m Repeaters, all with the usual 600 kHz offsets:
146.950 MHz (input -600 kHz; 146.350 MHz), on The Ned, near Blenheim
147.225 MHz (input +600 kHz; 147.825 MHz), on Mount Freeth, near Picton
145.600 MHz (input -600 kHz; 145.000 MHz) , on Weld Cone, near Ward
147.375 MHz (input +600 kHz; 147.935 MHz) , on Takaka Hill, near Motueka

These repeaters are all linked giving wide access to the Marlborough Region, and beyond.
They are also all linked into the IRLP network, our node number is: 6285

The Kaikoura VHF repeater on 146.900 MHz (input 146.300 MHz) is not linked yet, but we are planning to get this done in the future via the Ward repeater.

We have a portable VHF Short Term Special Purpose (STSP) repeater as well, this operates on 146.725 MHz (input 146.125 MHz). This is mainly used for special events giving extra coverage where needed for a short period.

70cm Repeater:
438.450 MHz (Input -5 MHz; 433.450 MHz), located near Tua Marina on the northern side of the Wairau Valley.

APRS digipeater:
144.575 MHz, located on Jamies Knob, near the Vernon Lagoons south east of Blenheim.

6m Beacon:
We are running a beacon on 52.490 MHz on the Wither Hills, south of Blenheim, putting out a 1 Watt signal in a vertical dipole.